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Local mental health and substance use resources at your fingertips


莎拉 has struggled with depression for years and lately her symptoms have worsened. She keeps putting off going to therapy because the last time she called 10 different therapists and none of them took her insurance or had openings.

电脑屏幕在城市的另一边, 汤姆 has a lot of stressors in his life and realizes he is drinking alcohol as a way to escape the pressure. After five years of struggling, it’s time to cut back on his drinking and learn healthier ways to cope with stress. He does a Google search for therapists and substance use treatment and is overwhelmed by all the different options. 他从哪里开始?

莎拉, 汤姆, and others in need can now skip the frustration and use a free online tool that offers detailed information on local provider practices and area support groups and classes. HealthInfoSource.com is a website provided by the Health District of Northern Larimer County’s 连接 Team that was recently relaunched with a focus on mental health and substance use services in Larimer County. Staff can help individuals and 家庭 in need of assistance with mental health or substance use issues get answers to their questions and get connected to the service that best meets their particular needs.

Those searching for a provider/resources on the site are always welcome to call 连接 at 970-221-5551 and talk to a staff member about their options.

“The goal of HealthInfoSource.com is to offer a groundbreaking, comprehensive source of behavioral health information for Larimer County,林怀尔德说, special projects director for the Health District. “We are aiming to provide up-to-date listings for all the local options for mental health and substance use services in one place—on a site that’s easy to search and filter, so people can quickly find the service that is right for their needs. This is a critically important tool for individuals, 家庭, 学校辅导员, care coordinators—really anyone who helps others find care—and it was developed with their input.”

Website users can narrow their search by filtering in categories such as provider specialties, 治疗方法, 治疗的年龄组, 语言, practices accepting new clients, types of insurance accepted, and other information about providers.

The redeveloped website recently came online and Wilder anticipates that over 400 providers and organizations will create a free listing on the site over time. 当人们使用这个网站时, they are encouraged to offer suggestions for other features that might be helpful by going to the 网上博彩澳门银河 page on the site.

A key addition to the website is a focus on providing specific information on substance use treatment and supports in addition to mental health resources. Knowing who specializes in substance use disorders, and who provides specific approaches such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT), or substance use-specific assessments is critical to finding effective care.

Other useful features include the ability to search for groups and classes offered in Larimer County. The site also has a section with health guides and educational blog posts on the latest news from the behavioral health field, such as emerging treatments and new services available locally. The entire site can also be translated into over 100 languages with a single click to better assist people whose first language isn’t 英语.

想了解更多? Sign up for a Zoom informational session by emailing eleetham@usanamsiteam.com.
创建概要文件! Larimer County-based behavioral health service providers and organizations are encouraged to create an account and start a profile as soon as possible.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 HealthInfoSource.com/faqs,叫 970-530-2911,或电邮 info@healthinfosource.com.
For help finding the right local resources to meet your mental health or substance use needs, or to talk to a behavioral health specialist,叫 连接 adult services at 970-221-5551 or the Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult 连接 (CAYAC) team for ages 0-24 at 970-221-3308.